Camille Garrison Photography » Utah Wedding Photographer

Hello world!

I am beyond excited to finally share what I have been working on! As my business has progressed and I continue to grow as an artist, I felt I needed to take things up a notch this year. With baby #3 arriving last summer, my blog took the back-burner. Now that life has settled and a new year is upon us, I want to celebrate how far I have come with a new, stylish, and sophisticated look!




I love the beginning of a new year! It’s a chance to reflect, make changes, and dream big. So here are a few goals and then resolutions I have put together about life, business and everything in between.


1. Post more! –  This year I know I need to blog more regularly. I need to schedule time every week to update my Facebook, Instagram and blog with recent posts and pictures of my brides and couples! No more slacking!!

2. Efficient Workflow-  I started off the year by finally taking a class on Lightroom (thank you Jalene!). It is a I cannot WAIT to explore and become better at it. It has already opened the doors for more creativity, faster workflow, easier and better processing! What a blessing this will be this year!

3. Have the biggest year yet! This is a hefty goal but I hope that all my efforts will pay off. More blogging, more business posts on Facebook and Instagram, more word of mouth = more weddings!



1. Be present. 

Running a business while being a stay-at-home mom takes skill and effort. It is a hard balance and sometimes I try to be both at the same time; editing while my kids are fussing and climbing all over me… which only makes for an irritated ornery mom and sad kids. This year I want to be more present. I want to put my phone away, turn the computer off, and play with my kids. That means I will be setting “office hours” for myself and my business to try my very best to keep a better balance in my home.

 2. Be my best self.

As I said, this last year baby #3 surprised us and changed things up a bit (which we couldn’t be more grateful for), but I put a lot of things lower on my priority list. This year, I want to be my best self and that starts with being healthy and exercising. I’ve been to the gym 3-5 times a week so far and hope to continue! It feels amazing! I also signed up for a half marathon and 2 triathlons this year — yipee! Along with health, I want to travel. My husband’s work-from-home job allows a lot more flexibility (he can work from anywhere!) and we want to take advantage of that. We have some awesome trips on the books!  Putting “me” a little higher on my list this year will help me overall be a better wife and mother as well. I can feel it’s going to be a GREAT year.

3. L O V E

I have read a few books last year that have convinced me of the importance and power of LOVE. We hear it all of our lives, but it really does encompass all of the other things I want to work on and be better at. Love is huge for my marriage, my kids, my siblings and in-laws, serving in my church and community, my business, and myself!  And also, forgiveness! It’s huge! Letting things go is so hard and sometimes it’s easiest to just start with one simple word — LOVE! I could go on and on about this resolution!


Thanks to everyone for following along and supporting me! I’ve gotten some amazing reviews from past clients to help my online presence as well (read them here — thank you!!). I have the best clients and look forward to meeting all of you new ones! XOXO



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